Made New Friend

Made New Friend

I made a new friend today. His name’s Yaris. Pretty good looking. Body’s very dark. Almost metallic black. He’s shorter than me by few inches. Wearing a name badge everywhere he goes. I wonder why the name badge says "TVF-593" instead of his name. Maybe that’s his nickname. For a guy standard, he’s considered small. But I reckon he’s not that small. There are a lot of pockets in the piece of clothing he’s wearing. He can accomodate 5 people in his little room. Currently he’s living temporarily in a friend’s apartment, all by himself. Hope he’s doing fine for the next couple of weeks. Need to help him find a new, more permanent living place as soon as possible. Oh one more thing, he likes to go around. Travelling, going sight-seeing, wander around the city, visiting friends, that’s part of his hobbies. Or so did he tell me. Anyway.. I’m so glad to know him. Hope we could keep this friendship forever, with the hope that it will grow stronger and stronger day by day.
Oh, what a feeling…

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